Innovative Technology Solutions
- Augmented Reality / A.I Controls
- Virtual Reality
- 3D Hologram
- Smart Glass
- LED Boards
- Smart Locks
- Smart Lockers
- Autonomous Transportation
- RobodeliveryPeople are on the go these days. So much so, that it seems some tasks, such as grocery shopping, are becoming more mundane and inconvenient. Many stores have risen to the occasion by offering online ordering with parking lot pick-up and even delivery. But what if a robot could perform the task of delivery?
- Augmented and Virtual RealityAugmented reality technology can augment virtual world objects with our real world in such a way that they feel more authentic and more enriching. VR and AR create rich, immersive and interactive user experiences, allowing the user to become both content consumers and creators. VR can allow a user to travel the world, attend their favorite sports game, concert, and more as if they were actually there.